I'd designed the original CYD site a few years prior, and had never felt it was really up to the standards I had set for myself as a designer. Fortunately, I was eventually given a chance to 'right my wrongs,' so to speak, by designing a completely new layout to match the organization's fresh corporate rebranding campaign. It's tough to design for the group's target market, 7 - 14 year olds, because of the broad range in the interests of kids those ages. My primary goal was to design a site that wasn't boring, but also didn't alienate or condescend to anyone. It would've been easy to hurl out a crazy, animated, flashy, glaring layout that would supposedly appeal to the younger audience, but that would've sent the teenaged market away in a hurry. I think the final layout is a nice hybrid of interests, a friendly design that doesn't feel too kiddy or edgy. This site was designed during my tenure as Art Director for GravityFree Web Design.
You can find this site on the web at http://www.cydonline.org.