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The FIGHTING CARDINALS. That'll instill you with fear.

Beavis had the looks.. Butt-Head had the brains

I've actually developed a taste for Budweiser...

We're... confused...

Taken the day before my exit to Muncie, and the college life held therein, the Goob and I pose pleasantly under the tree in my old front yard. This documents one of the few moments the two of us were together that something wasn't lit on fire or broken in some way. We resembled Beavis and Butt-Head in more ways than the obvious physical similarities.

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Given the Single Finger Salute Squirrel Nut Zipping Racers Descrimination by Height

The infamous 'Muncie' I mentioned was home to Ball State University, my alma mater. The major thing I learned at college was how to bullshit. This WAS high school, so I was a big fan of Beavis and Butt-Head at the time. Now that I think about it more, I still am... if just for the videos. Finally, if you're not legally blind, you can see that Goob is wearing a Budweiser t-shirt, featuring that silly 'drunkyvision' fad that was so hip at the time. Click the label on the left to visit their website.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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